All Move 2 Groove – Body Percussion Performance
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Friday, October 15, 2021. at the ICOON Theater Vathorst
Youth meet in a Body Percussion Performance performed by 40 students from the participating schools: Het Element, dept. Language Center Vathorst College.
Choreographer: Santi Serratosa López (from Barcelona, Spain)

The meeting takes place by creating a short performance together. The performance consists of several short choreographies of body music. Body music (also called body rhythm or body percussion) is an art form in which you are both a dancer and a musician. Rhythms are created by stomping, finger snapping, clapping, and voice, in short: anything that can make sound. The rhythms are performed in movement and dance. No materials such as musical instruments or special dance shoes/clothing are needed.
Language and words are not important. The only thing needed is your own body. No prior knowledge is required. Body music is thus an accessible art form. It appeals to both boys and girls, men and women. It is a dynamic art form where you can expend a lot of energy, but it also evokes energy and, above all, fun, both for the performers and the audience. Collaboration is crucial, and the participants are both responsible for the result and dependent on the other participants.
All Move2Groove is a project of the SMAAK foundation. SMAAK’s goal is to make art education possible for vulnerable groups in Dutch society. It does this by connecting the cultural and social domains. Initially, SMAAK focused on the elderly target group. It developed the concept of the Pop-up Museum SMAAK, where seniors act as curators to temporarily curate exhibitions held in nursing homes. SMAAK has set up this project three times, mobilizing about 200 volunteers and attracting nearly 10,000 visitors in total. The successful fundraising was done in-house.