Become a donor of Foundation SMAAK

Help Stichting SMAAK realize projects for (vulnerable) seniors, so that the foundation can organize art education for vulnerable groups so that they can enjoy art and develop socially, personally, and artistically through art. Funds, companies, and other sponsors also help Stichting SMAAK achieve its goals. In addition, Stichting SMAAK is heavily dependent on donations. Your donation helps us achieve our goals.

You can donate money in a way that suits you. Every donation is welcome:

By transferring an amount to

NL33 INGB 0006 8122 21
t.n.v. Stichting SMAAK Amersfoort

We are happy to inform you about all our activities. You can request our newsletter via or sign up immediately via the form in the footer of this website. You will then receive periodic information about the developments and activities of Stichting SMAAK.

Tax benefit

Your donation to Stichting SMAAK may be deductible from income tax if you can demonstrate your donation with bank statements or payment receipts and if the annual amount exceeds a certain threshold. For more information, visit the website of the Tax Authorities.

You can always contact us via